• Veteran's Parade at Frank Macias Elementary Ricardo Estrada Middle School Military Students Veterans Day Celebration at REMS

    Clint ISD Student Programs & Services

    Junior ROTC: The mission of Junior ROTC is to motivate young people to be better citizens. Clint ISD offers Junior ROTC programs at our high schools. Check out their websites linked below:

    Clint High School

    Horizon High School

    Mountain View High School

    All high schools in Clint ISD have Army Junior ROTC. Here is the link to their National webpage: https://www.usarmyjrotc.com/ 


    PBIS Positive Behavioral Intervention & Supports

    Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a systems approach for establishing a safe and supportive learning environment to promote social, behavioral, and academic success for all students. PBIS strategies are consistently utilized and work in conjunction with Social-Emotional Learning. PBIS is a framework for developing a common vision, language and practices used consistently across the school to:

    • improve school climate;

    • strengthen relationships;

    • teach and reinforce expectations;

    • increase positive behaviors, academic achievement and equitable learning experiences; and

    • decrease office referrals and suspensions.


    Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) Program

    SEL at Clint ISD


    Robotics, Fine Arts, Broadcast

    Middle School Brochure



    Clint ISD Athletic Program


    Career & Technical Education

    Clint ISD CTE


    Child Nutrition Program

    Clint ISD CNP


    Library Services

    Clint ISD Library Services & Opportunities